True Connection Starts Here.

Learn More About the Power of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

EFT Works.

Most loving relationships experience a negative cycle of disconnection at some point. Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)  is a powerful, clinically proven model that helps couples feel decreased distress and increased connection. Unlike other couples therapy models that offer scripts and tips to improve relationships, EFT gets to the root of relational distress.  Research shows that 90% of couples reported improvement after treatment, and at a two-year follow-up, 75% have maintained their improvement.


Making Sense of Disconnection

In EFT, we understand the stuck place of disconnection as getting caught in a negative cycle, or a dance. The cycle begins when one or both partners feel a threat of disconnection. When we have difficulty being aware of and expressing our deeper fears and needs, we too often only show our partners blame, criticism, defensiveness, anger, or silence. Mistrust, hurt, and resentment build and color future struggles. Softer connections, empathy and support feel far away and both well-meaning partners feel stuck and alone. 

How Change Happens

The EFT therapist is a “process consultant” who helps partners to safely experience and express previously protected parts underlying defenses. These softer, gentler emotions and needs most often elicit more loving responses from partners. Therapy is a space to experience and practice these new interactions, helping partners breakthrough painful isolation and turn toward the relationship for comfort. The more we can experience our relationship as the “safe haven” of acceptance and support we long for, the more we can reach our own full potential in the world. What I love most about EFT is how it tells us WE MAKE SENSE in a safe, nonjudgemental way.

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